Blast TBI Educational Resources
The overarching mission of the Blast TBI Educational Project is to bring awareness of training and outreach efforts regarding deployment-related and Veteran-centric blast TBI research. We will accomplish this mission by:
Providing guidance and support the standardization of preclinical blast TBI models
Recommending injury parameters and effective blast measurement requirements for matrices of severity index and best practices
Sharing determined blast-related Common Data Elements (CDEs) to wider TBI community
Educating on and facilitating use of open-field blast core at the Missouri Open-Field Blast Core (e.g., Experimental Mine) at Missouri S&T, in association with the Acute Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium and the Truman VA.
Dr. Cahterine Johnson, Missouri S&T assistant professor of mining and nuclear engineering, detonates an explosion at the university's Experimental Mine facility as part of her research into TBIs in the military. photo credit: Sam O'Keefe/Missouri S&T.
Collaborating with the Missouri Open-Field Blast Core and Truman VA Behavior Core Facilitates:
Do you have a novel compound to protect or restore brain function after blast injury? Do you have an innovative hypothesis about blast TBI pathology that you would like to test in a deployment-relevant model? Join our PRECISE-TBI contact list to learn more about collaboration with the Open-Field Blast Core and the Truman VA Behavior Core Facilities.
Facility features include:
Open-field blast model that was developed to mimic battlefield conditions
Targets at various distances allow altering the peak pressure and impulse
High speed video and data acquisition system used to monitor blasts
Collaboration with Truman VA facilitates behavioral assessments, evaluations of neuropathology, molecular neuroimaging, quantitative mass spectrometry, and global-proteome profiles
Join the PRECISE-TBI Contact List to learn more!

Blast TBI protocol:
Access example open field blast TBI protocol here