PRECISE is partnering with the Open Data Commons for Traumatic Brain Injury (ODC-TBI), an NINDS recommended on-line data repository specifically for sharing pre-clinical TBI data. Through the ODC-TBI, you can share data with your colleagues in a protected space and publish data to the public. The ODC-TBI complies with the FAIR data principles and the new NIH Data Sharing Policy to ensure that pre-clinical TBI data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
ODC-TBI supports requirements and recommendations of PRECISE for publishing robust and reproducible TBI research allowing investigators to:
Map their data to recommended and required PRECISE TBI Common Data Elements (CDEs)
Link detailed experimental protocols to their datasets
Link data to experimental TBI models through the PRECISE Model Catalog
Use QC and analytics tools to improve data quality and visualize results (try them out in our ODC-TBI Tools Sandbox).
Learn more about t
PRECISE and ODC-TBI support the new NIH data sharing policy. We’ve assembled some materials that can be used to prepare your proposals using ODC-TBI and PRECISE:
A sample data management and sharing plan with helpful hints and language that can be used to meet NIH proposal submission requirements
Materials to help understand and estimate costs associated with data management and sharing. Currently there is no cost to publish your data in ODC-TBI but data management and sharing do require effort and resources on your part and you can request funds for these activities in your NIH proposal.
Check back here to learn about what is new with ODC-TBI:
Learn about how to add experimental protocols to your datasets in ODC-TBI
A new blast injury dataset has been added to the ODC Community space
Join our editorial board! ODC-TBI is recruiting scientists interested in shaping the future of sharing pre-clinical TBI data. Contact us at: info@precise-tbi.org
How can we help you?
Access our full set of tutorials, including best practices for formatting tabular data
Join our office hours to receive one-on-one help
Learn how ODC-TBI works by uploading a demo dataset
Contact us at info@precise-tbi.org
Open Data Commons-TBI